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Newborn Art Workshop Nottingham

Newborn Art Workshop Nottingham

Lots of teaching sessions lately! I was back  at my studio within the Heart of Floralands Farm Park & Garden Village teaching another photographer the ‘Art’ of Newborn Photography.

Newborn Art Workshop Nottingham

Again with a little toughy! He really did not want to stay asleep he was too nosy as to what was going on ha-ha! WE got some cute awake poses and of course some of the typical Newborn Art bean bag shots including the Taco pose which he seemed to love being in!

My Newborn Art Workshops run like my own client shoots; you would see how I set everything up. My mentee gets the chance to shoot a huge range of photographs that may be blogged with a description about the session, I demonstrate safe baby posing, how to mold and handle baby, compositional tricks to create those WOW poses my clients have grown to love, and soothing tips and tricks that have earned me the name ‘Baby Whisperer’ among them. You also get hands on experience by helping with the composite shots and trying a pose for yourself under my guidance. Of course all this is Baby led and we will take babies lead to ensure their safety and comfort at all times.

I will take you through doing composites as I use these at ALL times for safety. A composite shot is one that consists of 2 or more images merged together in Photoshop so baby is being held at all times for safety.

After I take my mentee through an edit of one of the photographs of the day showing them before and after shots and explain how to achieve the finished look. There is chance for loads of questions throughout the shoot as and when they would like to ask anything. And chance to just relax and chat after the session.

Here is a breakdown of what is covered.

PowerPoint presentation covering:

Preparing parents for the session.

Planning and Prep

Building a client photographer relationship.

Sleep & How covering newborns sleep cycles


Then we go on to the practical and look at

Setting up

I demonstrate safe baby posing and pose flowing, how to mold and handle baby,

Compositional tricks to create those WOW poses my clients have grown to love,

Soothing tips and tricks that have earned me the name ‘Baby Whisperer’ among them.

How to recognize sleep patterns and work with them to get the best poses.

Hands on experience helping with the compositional shots and posing on the bean bag under my supervision


Composites – from the actual set up to the finished image as I use these at ALL times for safety.

Editing techniques – of one of the photographs of the day showing the before and after shots and explain how to achieve the finished look.

I am an open book there is chance for loads of questions throughout the shoot as and when they would like to ask anything. Chance to just relax and chat after the session.

Welcome to the Word Sweet George

Newborn Taco PoseNewborn Taco PoseNewborn Art Workshop NottinghamNewborn Art Workshop NottinghamAwake Newborn ShotAwake Baby ShotHow to Wrap a NewbornNewborn Bowl ShotNewborn bowl shot



If you would like to inquire or book a portrait session please click this link NOW Nottingham Newborn Photographer


Photographers, don’t forget you can purchase my newborn posing booklet from my Etsy

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