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Newark Baby Photographer

Newark Baby Photographer

As Newark Baby Photographer it is not often I get to photograph many babies over 10 days old, especially with specializing in the newborn photography. This family came into the studio for some shots of 4 month old Andrew and some family portraits.

Andrew was so funny he was teething and dribbling everywhere he-he! He was not particularly interested in doing anything other than chewing his fist!

Andrew had the most beautiful blue eyes, they shone when I managed to get him to look at the camera. I did get a few smiles out of him which was fantastic. He was a wriggly little monkey for the family shots but I managed to get some of him with mummy and daddy.


Newark Baby Photographer is honored to photograph little Andrew. Here is his sneak peek.


Newark Baby Photographer

If you would like to book a Newborn or any other kind of portraits please click this link NOW Newark Baby Photographer!

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