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Newark Newborn Baby & Child Photographer | Clarke

Newark Newborn Baby & Child Photographer

As Newark Newborn Baby & Child Photographer I was at the studio the other week photographing this amazing family. I have so many shots to share because I just cannot make my mind up which ones.

This session cracked me up. I have never seen such a beautiful little girl. She came to be photographed with her baby brother, but I could not help taking some photographs by herself whilst brother was feeding. She was amazing at posing and had actually done some modelling work before.

I was so excited as I had a shot in mind I wanted to do. She was wearing one of my new white dresses that I have available at the studio ranging in size from 6 months to 4 years. I was going to have her sat crossed legged and her brother posed beautifully on her knee. So whilst we where waiting, I took some shots of her sat crossed legged and I knew the shot when brother came in would be just gorgeous. So brother had finished feeding and I posed him lovely on her knee. I was just about to move back and pick up my camera, when he did the most yellow and big poop all over her and the lovely white dress!! ( I know too much information) So sister was completely horrified and after that would not pose with brother on her or very near! I was gutted! But I still managed to get some beautiful shots for the family and so honored I get to share them with you all.

Newark Newborn Baby & Child Photographer welcomes you to the world sweet Clarke

 Newark Newborn Baby & Child PhotographerNewark Newborn Baby & Child PhotographerNewborn Newark Newborn Baby & Child PhotographerNewark Newborn Baby & Child PhotographerNewark Newborn Baby & Child PhotographerRoyal BabyNewborn

Photographers if you would like to inquire about a 1-1 newborn posing mentor session click this link NOW 1-1 Training Nottinghamshire Newborn Photographer

If you would like to inquire or book a portrait session please click this link NOW Newark Newborn Baby & Child Photographer

Photographers, don’t forget you can purchase my newborn posing booklet from my Etsy

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