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Newark Newborn Baby Photographer | Click Newborn Posing Workshop

The other week saw me travelling to Click Ed School of Photography in Watford to give a Workshop to 14 other photographers on Newborn baby posing. We had 3 newborns throughout the day and I had a fab time showing them how I work my magic! I had to use studio lights in a different way for this workshop as it was not possible to do it how I do my normal sessions. It was a long long day and felt like an even longer drive home but worth every second. It is always lovely to chat with and meet other photographers in the same field, as I am a firm believer of networking.

Here are some of the images from the day using some of the fabulous props from Click 


 Newborn Wrap from Click Props

 Backdrop, Trench bowl and furry bowl filler from Click Props

Backdrop  from Click Props

Backdrop and Brown Bucket stuffer  from Click Props

Oh so soft cream snuggle material from Click Props


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