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Newborn Quads Rotherham 1st Photo Shoot | Newark Newborn Photographer

Newborn Quads Rotherham 1st Photo Shoot

Newborn Quads Rotherham 1st Photo Shoot by Newark Newborn Photographer.


Wow Wow Wow what a crazy fun and exhausting session. These once in a life time quadruplets, who have made medical history after being born from a single embryo – the first time this has ever happened in Britain, came into my studio on Monday  10 weeks later on their actual due date for their first ever professional photographic shoot. They have been featured in many newspapers and you can read their story here in  The Mail.



Caroline was the first born at 2.46pm weighing 2lbs 3oz

Newborn Quads Rotherham 1st Photo shoot

Darcy followed at 2.46pm weighing 2lbs,

Elisha was born at 2.47pm weight 2lbs 14oz

and the last was Alexis, born weighing 3lbs at 2.48pm.



Here they are just arrived all looking so snugly in their car seats and sound asleep. Little did I know what they where going to let me in for!

We started the session with a feed to get them all milky drunk so I had a fighting chance he-he. We all had a baby each as there was plenty to go round for cuddles!


My first shot attempted ended up being a triplet shot as little madam Elisha was having non of it and getting them all asleep together seemed impossible but i wouldn’t be beaten!

Here are the 3 of them whilst Elisha was being rocked. Don’t they look like little angels!

Newborn Quads Rotherham 1st Photo Shoot

We then abandoned that shot as they other woke each other up. They were not happy being on their tummy’s so I knew I could settle them better wrapped and on their backs. So my mission was to get all asleep and in the same photograph so babies it was ‘game on’!

Well nearly there all lined up, perfect little flower girls! Little Caroline decided she was not going to go to sleep and looked like she was plotting to take over the world! But at least all four are together I call that a win! But again I will not be beaten!

Newborn Quads Rotherham 1st Photo Shoot

Yay I did it and look at that little smile! Caroline obviously decided how she was going to take over the world and smiling secretly to herself ha-ha! Look at those innocent faces like butter would not melt!

Newborn Quad Photoshoot

Newborn Quads

Its nearly 4 hours into the session, so by now we are all flagging  with the heat and my back is about to give in not to mention my knees! My Baby Whispering skills stretched to the max and I caught another smiley one.

Ok so another feed later and a different set. I decided to try a harder one. It is so difficult to get one baby’s legs to stay up and crossed let alone four! Again little madam Elisha was not having any of it and did not want to lie flat at all! So I got another of the three whilst Elisha had a ‘top up.’

So poor little Elisha every time I tried to put her down I felt like she was crying in pain! To give a tad more info than wanted I knew she needed a poop, because when laid flat she cried and was going very red in the face…. Bless! So I massaged her tummy and pumped her legs and WOOOOW I have never seen so much come out of something so small! He-he bless her little cotton socks! She settled much better after that and I have a pull back shot of me putting her into position.

Newborn Quads Rotherham 1st Photo Shoot

Even though she had settled she was not sleepy but I snapped away quick! This shot makes me laugh so much! You can almost see them thinking!

From left to right

Alexis…. I’m Chillin! Darcy…I’m thinking about waking up! Caroline…. I’m a still plotting teehee! Elisha…… I am going to punch your spotter if she does not stop fiddling with me!!!

Newborn Quads Rotherham 1st Photo Shoot

Then all bushed and running VERY overtime I got a shot of Mummy and Daddy. As we had not much time I could not spend the time posing it too much but just wanted to make sure I got one with all six of them.

Newborn Quads Rotherham 1st Photo Shoot

The Daddy took my camera and took a few of me with my little ladies!!



Welcome to the world Caroline, Darcy, Elisha  and Alexis. Can’t wait to see you for your sitting up session and your 1st birthday cake smash! Now that is going to be mad!!!!




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