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Nottingham Newborn & Bespoke Portrait Photographer | Re- Branding Announcement

So I have been having a  think about my brand? What is my style and what make Sarah Wilkes Photography unique and ‘me’.  I am thinking of re-branding with a new look logo with stationary to match, the ‘whole shebang’ as it were.

Are you a designer? Would you like to be the ‘name’ to the new look Sarah Wilkes Photography? Why not come show me what you can do?

This is what I am thinking:

New Logo but keeping the 2 main colours I have at the moment ,my favorite colours turquoise and cerise but maybe throwing an accent colour of lime in there too?

I am all about butterflies so they would have to play a big part also.

I would need thank you postcards designed that tied in with my new look as well as referral cards, Cd template, trifold price list,( You can view the one I have HERE which I quite like) trifold cd holder, Eblast stationary. These are the main things and once I have re-branded I can also look into new business cards too.

I think I need a feminine touch? Classy (if it can be with those colours teehee! ) Something that will make people remember me something with a bit of WOW!!!

Can you be the one to do this for me? Do you have an opinion on what you would like to see?  Designers or non designers got an opinion why not drop me a line or give me a bell for a chat.




I look forward to hearing from you all.


Sarah x

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