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The Guild of Photographers Awards

The Guild of Photographers Awards Tensions have been building over the last couple of weeks, as the prestigious Guild of Photographers Award ceremony drew ever closer. The Awards take place every year, and each year the quality of images just gets better and better. Hence the nerves! Finally, the time had come to make my...

Top 100 Newborn Blogs On The Planet

Top 100 Newborn Blogs On The Planet Hi, everyone, can you imagine my surprise when I received an email congratulating me! On what you may well ask. My site has only gone and made it to the Top 100 Newborn photography blogs on the PLANET!!! Now that is kind of immense isn’t it ha-ha! I...

Creative Photographer Of The Year

Creative Photographer Of The Year Creative Photographer Of The Year Well, it’s been an age since I shared my work with you. I had promised to start blogging my sessions more often, especially as I have such cute babies in my Nottinghamshire studio. Alas, that will have to wait for another post. On this occasion,...

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