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{Carpet of Blue} | Nottinghamshire / South Yorkshire custom portrait photographer

So i noticed a bluebell wood a couple of days ago when driving along so i took Daniel and josh to them yesterday to try and get some pics! i totally parked in the wrong place, because we had to trek over brambles and all sorts to get to them as there was no path. I had to carry Dan and by the time we got there i was exhausted! So i put Dan down and he starts screaming for me to pick him up *sigh* so i snapped these one handed as Dan was under the other arm Ha-Ha, i  am surprised any of them are in focus!!! Managed to get a quick one of Dans back as he stood crying Bwawawaw! Bad bad mommy!

Dan was tired and cranky as had no sleep so i thought i would go back today and take some went after his nap sp he was not tired ……so note to self about parking! Parked in a great place just a few steps away from the bluebells carried Dan into the wood laughing and singing on our way as soon as i put him down WAHHHHHHH!!!  He must really hate bluebells Watch this space for those.

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