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Maternity Photographer Floralands Nottingham

Maternity Photographer  Floralands Nottingham

Maternity Photographer Floralands Nottingham. This session saw me at my New Studio Based in Lambley for a maternity session.

I love my Job so much especially when I get Bump and baby packages booked!

Getting to meet the parents before baby is born is so amazing and share in their excitement. This mum- to- be was stunning and simply beautiful to photograph. We had a bit of fun with the Dad to be too!

Please book me for your newborn session just after your 16 week scan to avoid disappointment, and to be guaranteed a session. Baby will need to come into the studio before they are 10 days old so don’t leave it too late.

Maternity Photographer Floralands NottinghamMaternity NottinghamMaternity Photographer NottinghamMaternityMaternity Photographer Floralands NottinghamMaternity Photographer Floralands Nottingham


If you would like to inquire or book a portrait session please click this link NOW Nottingham Newborn Photographer


Photographers, don’t forget you can purchase my newborn posing booklet from my Etsy

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