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National Award Winner with the Guild of Photographers

  National Award Winner with the Guild of Photographers

National Award Winner with the Guild of Photographers …..So very excited to share this with you all!

The Guild of Photographers is the highly regarded national photographic body whose members are dedicated to enhancing their skills in the art, craft and profession of photography.

It runs an Image of the Month competition, and received around 10,000 entries during 2014. Each image is scored, and the scores from the year are then totalled to determine who wins one of the Guild’s Top 10 Photographer awards / becomes the Guild’s Photographer of the Year. This is clearly a very demanding year long process!
was honoured to become Runner-Up Photographer of the Year in the Newborn and Baby genre – a remarkable achievement when one considers the number and standard of the entries.

My Award was presented to me at the Guild’s Awards night at Crewe Hall (a stunning Jacobean mansion in Cheshire), earlier this week.

Lesley Thirsk (Director of the Guild) said that she is “both proud and delighted that Sarah has achieved this recognition after 12 months of submitting the highest quality images. The Guild has very demanding standards when judging photographic competitions. The judging is undertaken by a panel of internationally recognised experts from a variety of photographic backgrounds, so she quite rightly should be delighted with my  extraordinary achievement” Yay!!!!

Nottingham Newborn photographer

I cant quite believe it I am over the moon. There are so many wonderful Photographers within The Guild I really didn’t expect to hear my name called out”

I Won three awards on the day

1. Newborn & Baby Photographer of the Year 2014 – Runner up Award.
2.The distinction of The Photographers Bar which is a unique distinction awarded to very few photographers who have successfully had images assessed by The Guild over the course of a year, and attained a score equating to an award for each entry made thereby evidencing an exceptional level of professional skill and consistency.
3. International top 10 photographer award.

 National Award Winner with the Guild of Photographers

Photographers if you would like to inquire about a 1-1 newborn posing mentor session click this link NOW 1-1 Training Nottinghamshire Newborn Photographer

If you would like to inquire or book a portrait session please click this link NOW Nottingham Newborn Baby Photographer

Photographers, don’t forget you can purchase my newborn posing booklet from my Etsy

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