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Newark Newborn Photographer

Newark Newborn Photographer

As Newark Newborn Photographer I have been dying to meet this little darling for a few months. I didn’t know if she was going to be a boy or a girl and mum and dad did not want to find out the sex but wanted a surprise! Her two year old brother called bump ‘Percy’ he-he. I photographed ‘Mum to be’ also Dad and Big Brother at the maternity session. You can see some from the session if you click the link Maternity Photographer Newark

She was so gorgeous! Big brother came in to the session later on so we could grab one shot of him and his little sister with a special set up! Watch this space as I am not sharing that one until mum and dad have come for their viewing session, but I am so excited about it!!

So for now here is their sneak peek!

Newark Newborn Photographer  welcomes you to the world  gorgeous  Isobel…….

Newark Newborn Photographer

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