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Newborn Photographer Newark

Newborn Photography

This little cutie put me through my paces! He was wide awake when I started shooting! He didn’t sleep much at all! All he wanted was to feed ha-ha! Mummies are such a comfort! But despite the odds I managed to get some fantastic shots of him. But the disaster stuck when I got home and uploaded all the photographs to find 95% of them corrupt with coloured banding across them! I went into panic and felt so sick, as they had travelling over an hour to get to me and I knew I could not fit them in to re-shoot before baby was over the 10 day magic mark!!! I hoped it was my PC’s internal card reader so the next day dashed to PC world to by an external one, I uploaded them again and OH NO the same thing!!!! I put another card into my camera ran outside and took a few shots! I then uploaded those into the PC, same thing! I sat and cried that I had lost the most precious time in the families life and prepared to break the news to them! Last resort I downloaded some recovery software to see if that would help and in the meantime tried to upload them straight from the camera. I could not believe it I managed to save about 90% of them!! Dancing with joy here!!!   So now my beloved camera has been shipped back to Nikon and I am having to use my back up camera!


Here is a sneak peek for the family i so can’t wait to share more!


Newborn christmas

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