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NFFC The New Forest Striker – Nottingham Newborn Photographer


The other day I had the privilege to photograph the most gorgeous 10 week old baby. He really gave me a run for my money as he did not want to sleep and would give me some really funny expressions. I forgave him though as he was so gorgeous! Stunning Mummy and Daddy had some shots with him too which obviously made him feel most secure and comfortable in their arms as that is when he fell asleep. This is why I try to get my babies into the studio before they are 10 days old. That is when I can capture the ‘Oh so Cute’ poses my clients have grown to love. After that baby will be less sleep and have started to be more aware of everything including their own limbs so start to stretch out more. They are a lot less tollerant to posing whist asleep.

Daddy was ‘Fat Lad’  Billy Sharp a football who has played for  Sheffield United,  Doncaster Rovers,  Southampton and now joined Nottingham Forest on loan for the remainder of the 2012–13 season. However how he got that nickname I will never know!!

Today is their sneak peek from the session and I will share more once they have been for their viewing session, because of course it is important they are the first ones to see their gorgeous portraits.

Fat Boy Billy Sharp

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