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Child Photographer Newark – Cake Smash

Cake Smash!

I just had to share the light of my life with everyone!! This is my Little boy Daniel. He had his 4th Birthday last September and each year I do a cake smash with him! This year I have been so busy that it had taken until  November for me to do the shoot and until now to be able to edit it, a 4 months past his birthday! Daniel loved his cake smash and kept asking when his ” Smash Cake” would be ha-ha so I could not let him down! But I think this may be the last year I do one with him.

The shoot itself was difficult, he will not look at the camera it takes so much to get him to look at me. I think I have scarred him for life with his first 2 years of me using him as a guinea pig. This is so I could practice my photography and who best to practice on, he is gorgeous!

I loved how he really went for it this year and totally pushed his face right into it as well as dancing on it and making ‘Cake Angel’s’ ha-ha! Daft boy!!

So here he is in all his glory….. My Boy!

cake smashcake smashCake smash

The last 3 years

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