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Category Archives: 2. Info

Top 100 Newborn Blogs On The Planet

Top 100 Newborn Blogs On The Planet Hi, everyone, can you imagine my surprise when I received an email congratulating me! On what you may well ask. My site has only gone and made it to the Top 100 Newborn photography blogs on the PLANET!!! Now that is kind of immense isn’t it ha-ha! I...

Digital Backgrounds for Photographers

Digital Backgrounds for Photographers Digital Backgrounds for Photographers So Digital Backgrounds for Photographers are becoming all the rage at the moment for photographers for numerous reasons, they may not have enough space for elaborate setups, they may not have enough money for all the props because yes lets face it being a photographer especially a...

Newborn Workshop

Newborn Workshop Remarkable Newborn posing workshops – By Sarah Wilkes Photography Sponsored by The Print Foundry Now Launched from her exceptional new studio within the heart of Floralands Farm Park & Garden Village Lambley Nottingham. The ‘Purely Posing’ workshop aims to take your understanding of manipulating the Newborn and refining your posing to bring your...

Local Photographer Sarah Wilkes Achieves National Acclaim!

Child Fine Art

Local Photographer Sarah Wilkes Achieves National Acclaim!   I am so excited to announce this press release i just received from The Guild of Professional Photographers! PRESS RELEASE Local Photographer Sarah Wilkes achieves national acclaim! Sarah Wilkes, a photographer based in Lambley Nottingham has reached the Final of the fiercely contested Guild of Photographers Image...

Child Fine Art

Child Fine Art Child fine art. Do you want exquisite Wall Art of your children on your walls with the WOW factor? I am so excited that I will be offering HIGH END Children’s Fine Art portraits soon under the umbrella of The Fine Art Child. Child Fine Art are timeless breathtaking portraits  and will...

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